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Updated Wednesday 12 February 2025

In a real emergency you should always dial 999

For regular matters there is NHS 111:Web site | Telephone 111

Most of the local surgeries use the Camdoc service for out of hours cover. Their telephone number is 01223 464262.

NHS Direct will allow search for facilities by postcode

If you are thinking of giving up smoking, try contacting CAMQUIT.

There are three hospitals within reasonable distance of Whaddon.

Addenbrookes Hospital (Cambridge) The Lister Hospital (Stevenage) Royston Hospital (Royston)

Only Addenbrookes and the Lister Hospitals are full service hospitals and only they offer an Accident and Emergency (A&E) service.

In a real emergency you should always dial 999


  • Orchard Surgery, Melbourn

    Orchard Surgery, New Road, Melbourn: 01763 260220.
    Dispensary: 01763 260220 option 3.

    Online appointment and repeat prescription request system

    The Melbourn Dispensary is closed daily between 13:00 and 15:00. The telephone line is only open 9:30-11:00 and 16:00-17:30.

    Information about other health services in Melbourn (osteopaths, dentists, etc) will be found on the Melbourn Village web site.

  • Bassingbourn Surgery

    Ashwell and Bassingbourn Surgery: Spring Lane, Bassingbourn: 01763 241424

    Please allow two working days for repeat prescriptions to be processed. Repeats can be requested in writing by post, direct to the surgery, by fax (0844 4994779) or by email (Bassingbourn.surgery [at] nhs.net).

    To ensure we correctly identify you, it is ESSENTIAL to include your: full name, address, date of birth.

    In addition, we can now take your requests by telephone from 11:00 to 12:00, and from 14:00 to 15:00, on 01763 290555.

  • The Health Centre Practice (Royston)

    Royston Health Centre, Melboum St, 01763 242981
    Dispensary: 01763 248763 or 01763 242981 - option 2

    The practice dispenses for patients living more than one mile from a chemist. Dispensary hours are: 8.30am - 6.00pm Mon, Tues and Friday (17:30 Wednesday) and 08:30 – 14:00 on Thursday.

    You can phone the dispensary for advice between 10:00 – 12:00 on 01763 248763 or 01763 242981 - option 2.

  • Roysia Surgery

    Roysia Surgery, Burns Road, Royston 01763 243166

    Online appointment and repeat prescription request system

    If you are on regular treatment from your doctor, a repeat prescription can be obtained by simply posting the repeat slip, e-mailing your request to prescriptions.roysiasurgery [at] nhs.net or calling in to surgery. We do not accept telephoned requests except in an emergency.

    Please allow 3 working days for medication from our Dispensary and 4 working days if prescriptions are to be delivered to a local chemist. Please remember that Saturday is not classed as a working day.

    Please be aware that we cannot dispense medicines on Thursday afternoons and at various limited times throughout the year. Prior notification of these times will be given.

    If you have any concerns with your medication do not ask for a repeat script—a periodic review of medication is advisable. This should be organised through your Doctor or the Practice Nurse.

    Important: if you purchase any medication from online providers, please make sure your GP is advised so it may be added to your patient records.

  • Market Hill Surgery, Royston (Barley Practice)

    Market Hill Surgery, Market Hill, Royston 01763 848244

    Online appointment and repeat prescription request system

    Requests for repeat prescriptions may be made in the following ways:

    by telephoning our dispensary on 01763 849443 between 8.30am and 6pm
    by leaving the prescription request form at the surgery (we have a post box in the lobby for them), • by following the link at the top of this page to the online service
    by arrangement with one of the local Pharmacies
    If you are ordering your medication early because you are going away on holiday please add a note to the request form. If your medication is due for review, please book an appointment in good time (preferably 6-8 weeks in advance).

    ** In order to book your own online appointments you need to complete a form which can either be collected from the surgery or downloaded from the link below. Once the form is completed and returned to the surgery we will provide you with a personalised login and password.


The situation with dentistry is complicated. Many dentists do not offer services on the NHS, while others will only offer it for certain groups. Dentists who do accept NHS patients have full books at some times and so do not always take new patients.

The following link to the NHS web site will show you dentists local to Whaddon with their status at the moment.

Dentists local to SG8 5RT