Whaddon village hall in snow


The Village Hall

Whaddon Meldreth Marley Eternit

Marley Eternit

Part of the site

Whaddon Playground

Whaddon Recreation Ground

Part of the playground


Updated Wednesday 12 February 2025

This page contains links to News Items which do not otherwise fit onto one of the special pages on this site. Thus, if you are looking for news in the following major categories, please use the menu items at the top of your device: Parish Council, Village Hall, St Mary's Church. The proposed development at Marley Eternit has its own tab on this page.

Whaddon has a newsletter, the Whaddon News, which appears four times a year. The editor is Joan Pascoe who can be contacted on 01223 208062.

See the calendar for upcoming events.

The selection of news below consists only of the items with an enduring interest that have appeared here since January 2013.

  • New Village Plan--need members for the team

    The last Village Plan was completed in 2013 and most of the recommendations arising from it have now been completed. Our plan should be updated regularly but because of Covid we are running a year or so later than we had originally wanted.

    To do this, we need to look at the village and set ourselves some new challenges and objectives to improve our quality of life over the next few years. It’s important that the plan reflects the views of everyone so we are looking for volunteers to join us in developing the next plan for 2022. It’s a great opportunity for us to say what we do and don’t want in the village. We need a good cross section of people on the plan team so that it represents all ages, all village locations and any special interest groups or clubs.

    So if you hanker after an tropical swimming pool or a superstore in Whaddon and are interested in getting involved, then please call Lee Ginger on 07850 252015 or email lee.ginger@btinternet.com

    Advert for Parish Plan

  • Palmer Trust announcement--seeking Trustees

    Whaddon’s local charity, the Alfred Palmer’s Trust, normally has five Trustees, appointed by the Parish Council. Currently we have two vacancies for Trustees, each of whom would serve four years to help administer and run the Trust.

    The time commitment to be a Trustee is not particularly onerous but it is a really important role to enable the trust to fulfil its obligations.

    The Palmer’s Trust was originally set up in 1927 to purchase coal for distribution to the poor widows of Whaddon Parish! It has now been changed to give modest grants of up to £50 to people of Whaddon for whom a small cash injection could make a real difference. The Trust considers requests from all Whaddonians, both young and old.

    To learn more about the Trust, see its page on the web site

    If you would like to apply or find out more, please speak to Lee Ginger on 07850 252015 or email lee.ginger@btinternet.com

    Palmer Trust advert


  • Annual Parish Meeting 2021 -- reports

    Here are links to two versions of the reports and slides presented at the Annual Parish Meeting on 19 April. You can choose between either a PDF version (3.4 mb) or a Powerpoint version (6.6 mb).



    There's a lot of information in there about what has been going on, so do please download these files and take a look.

  • Vaccination news

    The following message from Orchard Surgery, Melbourn, was passed on by our County and District Councillors:

    Our local vaccination hub in Royston started vaccinating our patients last week, focussing initially on patients over the age of 75. This week we have invited all those over the age of 70 to book an appointment.

    If you are over 75 years old, a patient at Orchard Surgery, Melbourn, and haven't yet heard from us, please now contact us to arrange your appointment. If you have received a text message invitation, you can book through this. If you have received an invitation letter from the NHS, you also have the option to contact the phone number they give to arrange vaccination at one of the mass vaccination centres such as the Grafton Centre or Stevenage.

    If you have an NHS letter please ring the number in the letter.

    If you haven’t had a NHS letter please ring Orchard Surgery on 01763 260220

  • Whaddon: Latest Coronavirus Lockdown

    Don’t forget that with the new Lockdown, if you need any support to get food,  your medication, help or advice, please contact one of your Parish Councillors below, or email coronavirus[at]whaddon.org, or email the Parish Clerk whaddonparishcclerk[at]outlook.com 

    This may especially apply to those people who are judged to be ‘clinically extremely vulnerable’ and will receive a letter from the NHS.

    You can also put requests and questions into the Parish Council post box at the Village Hall, which we’ll check every few days.

    Most of the local pharmacies will deliver your medication if you need regular supplies. Please contact your regular pharmacy or check on-line.

    Your Parish Councillors

    Bridge Street and Ridgeway Close

    Anita Birch – 07748 908164  Email - anitabirch1[at]hotmail.co.uk
    Deb Townsend – 07388 033616 Email - debtownsend2007[at]btinternet.com

    Church Street, Town Farm Close and St. Mary’s Close

    Joanne Hart – 01223 208009  Email - jev7459[at]btinternet.com
    Nigel Strudwick – 01223 207434 Email - ncs3[at]cam.ac.uk

    Meldreth Road

    Will Elbourn – 01223 208955  Email – w.elbourn[at]btinternet.com

    Tony Milton – 01223 207105 Email – asm27[at]cam.ac.uk

    Cardiff Place, New Farm and Old North Road

    Lee Ginger - 01763 262430  Email – lee.ginger[at]btinternet.com

    Keep well, observe the rules and you’ll stay safe!

    Whaddon Parish Council
    7 January 2021

  • Whaddon: Coronavirus Community Response for Tier 4

    With the news that South Cambridgeshire is to go into Tier 4 from Boxing Day, once again please remember that the Parish Council is your local Coronavirus Community Response team. Our advice, support and medication delivery role will resume for the time being. Hopefully, most people will have a supply of medication to get through the first part of this but if you are having any shopping difficulties, need advice or are unable to get your medication, please let one of us know.

    This may especially apply to those people who are judged to be ‘clinically extremely vulnerable’.

    If you do need support or advice, please contact one of your Parish Councillors  listed overleaf; or email the Whaddon Parish Clerk –  whaddonparishcclerk[at]outlook.com; or send an email to coronavirus[at]whaddon.org

     You can also pop requests and questions into the Parish Council post box on the side of the Village Hall, which will be checked every few days.

     Remember that most of the local pharmacies will deliver your medication if you need regular supplies. Orchard Surgery, Well Pharmacy (Melbourn), Tesco, Boots, Lloyds and Bassingbourn Pharmacy all provide this service. Please contact your regular pharmacy or check on-line.

    Parish Council contacts

    Bridge Street and Ridgeway Close

    Anita Birch – 07748 908164  Email - anitabirch1[at]hotmail.co.uk
    Deb Townsend – 07388 033616 Email - debtownsend2007[at]btinternet.com

    Church Street, Town Farm Close and St. Mary’s Close

    Joanne Hart – 01223 208009  Email - jev7459[at]btinternet.com
    Nigel Strudwick – 01223 207434 Email - ncs3[at]cam.ac.uk

    Meldreth Road

    Will Elbourn – 01223 208955  Email – w.elbourn[at]btinternet.com

    Tony Milton – 01223 207105 Email – asm27[at]cam.ac.uk

    Cardiff Place, New Farm and Old North Road

    Lee Ginger - 01763 262430  Email – lee.ginger[at]btinternet.com

    Keep well and stay safe!

    Whaddon Parish Council
    24th December 2020

  • Coronavirus Community Response--November 2020

    The Parish Council is in the process of distributing a note to every household in the village not on the email system. This is the text.

    If you need further copies of the note for passing to others about whom you are concerned, a copy is available for download on the village web site.


    With the new November Lockdown, please remember that Whaddon Parish Council is your local Coronavirus Community Response team. Our advice, support and medication delivery role will resume for the next month or so. Hopefully, most people will have a supply of medication to get through most of this period but if you are having any shopping difficulties, need advice or are unable to get your medication, please let one of us know.

    This may especially apply to those people who are judged to be ‘clinically extremely vulnerable’, who will soon be getting an advice letter from the NHS.

    If you do need support or advice, please contact one of your Parish Councillors listed overleaf; or email the Whaddon Parish Clerk – whaddonparishcclerk[at]outlook.com; or send an email to coronavirus[at]whaddon.org

    You can also pop requests and questions into the Parish Council post box on the side of the Village Hall, which will be checked every few days.

    Remember that most of the local pharmacies will deliver your medication if you need regular supplies. Orchard Surgery, Well Pharmacy (Melbourn), Tesco, Boots, Lloyds and Bassingbourn Pharmacy all provide this service. Please contact your regular pharmacy or check on-line.

    The pharmacies have reported that they are now very busy, so for the next two weeks, please only collect your medication if you really need to.

    Parish Council contacts

    Bridge Street and Ridgeway Close
    Anita Birch – 07748 908164
    Email - anitabirch1[at]hotmail.co.uk

    Deb Townsend – 07388 033616
    Email - debtownsend2007[at]btinternet.com

    Church Street, Town Farm Close and St. Mary’s Close
    Joanne Hart – 01223 208009
    Email - jev7459[at]btinternet.com

    Nigel Strudwick – 01223 207434 Email - ncs3[at]cam.ac.uk

    Meldreth Road
    Will Elbourn – 01223 208955
    Email – w.elbourn[at]btinternet.com

    Tony Milton – 01223 207105 Email – asm27[at]cam.ac.uk

    Cardiff Place, New Farm and Old North Road
    Lee Ginger - 01763 262430
    Email – lee.ginger[at]btinternet.com

    Keep well and stay safe!
    Whaddon Parish Council

  • Information regarding Coronavirus--March 2020

    The Parish Council is in the process of distributing a letter to every household in the village. This is the text.

    If you need further copies of the form/note for passing to others about whom you are concerned that is mentioned in this message, a copy is available for download on the village web site.


    Things have moved on quickly and large-scale self-isolation is now a reality for many. I am writing an update to all villagers to give further reassurance and advice on how we can may be able to offer assistance.
    All up to date information on the virus can be found on the Government NHS website (address below), which is full of advice and information:-
    Self-isolation – don’t be afraid to ask for assistance
    We are already starting to see some villagers and families self-isolate and we must all be aware of our neighbours and the fact that they will not be able to leave their homes. Obviously the elderly and vulnerable will be especially hard hit as their advice is to self-isolate for a lengthy period. So please contact those that you may be concerned about now, either in person, by telephone or by popping the attached note through their door, with your contact details.
    If you or they are not on the village email system, if possible, please join or get them to join. It is so much easier for us to contact everyone quickly by email.  Your details will be strictly managed by the Parish Council under the General Data Protection Regulations and will not be passed to anyone else. To be added, send an email to emaillist@whaddon.org.

    If you may be in need of help, please either email us or contact one of your designated Whaddon Parish Councillors listed on your contact form.
    If you can volunteer to give help or can keep in touch with to someone, please email us your details or contact your designated Parish Councillor

    Village Hall and meetings
    At present the hall remains open but the Village Hall Trust is following  government advice at all times. Many hall events have been cancelled or postponed however. All hall users will be expected to thoroughly clean surfaces and utensils in the kitchen with hot water and washing up liquid both before after any food preparation.
    There will also be an increased hall cleaning regime and any volunteers who can assist with a rota for this would be most welcome. Please contact Anita Birch on 07748 908164.  
    But if anyone feels unwell please do not attend any event or meeting in the Village Hall
    The Whaddon Golf Centre is now closed until further notice.

    Best wishes and keep healthy

    Lee Ginger
    Chair, Whaddon Parish Council
  • Annual Parish Meeting in the Village Hall

    Monday 15th April, Refreshments from 19:30; meeting starts at 20:00

    Dear Villagers

    I should like to invite you to the Annual Village Meeting to be held on Monday 15th March at 19:30. This is a general meeting where we talk about the work of the Parish Council as well as the District and County Councils. We shall also discuss other topics that affect the village as well as hear updates from the Village Hall Trust and the clubs and groups who are active within Whaddon.

    Although it’s not a Parish Council Meeting, we invite everyone to ask questions of the Councillors, many of whom will be present, as well as to make suggestions and enquiries.

    I look forward to seeing you on Monday evening, the 15th.


    Lee Ginger
    Chair Whaddon Parish Council


    1. Parish Council review
    2. SCDC and County Councillor reports
    3. Village sign
    4. Telephone box replacement
    5. Footpaths
    6. Neighbourhood Watch/Speedwatch
    7. Alfred John Palmer’s Trust
    8. Website
    9. Village Hall and Recreation Ground update

    together with reports about activities

    1. Q & A session  
  • Party In The Barn Success

    The organisers of the Whaddon PITB 2018 are delighted to announce that the event made a fantastic profit of just over £2,000. A big thank you to all those 130+ party people that attended, the various volunteers, as well as the individuals and organisations that gave generous donations. A particular mention and thank you must go to DJ Steve Cross who provided his time and night club set up for free, and who made the evening an extra special party.

    Thanks to the generosity of all concerned, the following organisations have received donations; Whaddon Village Hall & Recreational Ground Trust (£750), Whaddon Cricket Club (£500), Arthur Rank Hospice Charity (£250), Fertility Network UK (£250) and Leuka (£250).

    Three "thank-you" letters from the non-village charities can be accessed here.

  • Changes to Mobile Library stops and timings

    The pattern of stops for the CCC Mobile Library has changed. We are now visited on the third MONDAY of every month, but there is only one stop now, on Meldreth Road, and it's from 10:00 to 10:30.

    The Village Calendar has been updated, as has the entry on the web site (under Cambridgeshire County Council).

    The CCC page about Mobile Libraries is now at https://www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/residents/libraries-leisure-&-culture/libraries/mobiles/

    For Whaddon, go to https://www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/meldreth-road-whaddon/.

    Thanks to Joan Pascoe for drawing this to the webmaster's attention.

  • Party in the Barn revived

    The Party in the Barn, dormant for several years, is making a return. See graphic below for details of tickets.


    If you haven't expressed your opinion before, do send any more votes/comments to ncs3[at]cam.ac.uk as soon as possible please.

    The absence of the village sign is very obvious. Last year the sign was removed for investigation and possible repair, and the result was not good: the cracking etc in the wood rendered it beyond reasonable repair. This year the Parish Council has been looking towards getting a replacement.

    David Grech has very kindly made a number of preliminary sketches of a possible new version. These have been whittled down by the Parish Council to three, and now it is up to the village to decide. On 14 October, 1 to 3 pm, we will be displaying the three final candidates in the village hall. The images will be printed in A1 format, so you can get some idea of what the signs might look like from a distance. The designs are also given below. Clicking on these images will give you a larger version.

    The basis for the design is "Wheat Hill", the origin of the name for the village, and since the village church is at the highest point in the village, David has shown the tower at the top of the "hill". The other elements are of course ones that we tend to associate with the village, Whitsun (the oak leaf), the fountain in Bridge St (the pump), and the coprolite industry (symbolised by the dinosaur).

    It has to be said that the designs include a dinosaur as before, even though recent research suggests that the coprolites that so figured in the 19th century history of Whaddon are now thought to be the remains of marine animals, and not these large reptiles...

    Nigel Strudwick and Randall Scott


    Version number one


    Version number two


    Version number three

  • From the latest e-bulletin from South Cambridgeshire District Council

    South Cambridgeshire District Council is changing the way used paper is collected from residents for recycling.

    From 11 December, residents won’t need to use their caddies to recycle paper anymore.

    From that date, residents should place their used paper directly into their blue wheelie bins instead. This used paper will still be recycled after being sorted from other materials at our facility near Waterbeach.

    Residents can keep their caddy to use for anything they like. Alternatively, they can be recycled by being dropped off at the nearest household waste recycling centre. They should not be placed into wheelie bins.

    The decision to withdraw the paper caddy service was taken at South Cambridgeshire District Council’s Cabinet meeting in September. The decision will save taxpayers money and simplify the recycling process for residents.

    Because of this upcoming change, the District Council will not be delivering any new paper caddies. If they are lost or stolen before 11 December, residents can begin putting paper in their blue bin.

    More information can be found here: https://www.scambs.gov.uk/recycling

  • Villagers may have seen that the yellow cabinet for the defibrillator that the Parish Council has acquired has been installed at the Village Hall. I need to tell people that it is NOT yet operational. The device will need to be checked and the ambulance service informed so that its presence can go on the 999 database.

    Once this process is satisfactorily completed, the Parish Council will provide every household in the village asap with full details of what to do should someone in the household be suspected of having a heart attack. The first thing will still be to ring 999.

    Nigel Strudwick

  • Dear all,

    Firstly, a huge thank you to you all for your superb efforts so far in raising awareness about the Boundary Review’s proposed parliamentary constituency changes. I was delighted to see so much representation from my southern villages on the Boundary Commission website.

    The Consultation has now moved to phase 2. This is a 4 week period in which the Boundary Commission publish all feedback received and ask people to give their views on it (so asking people to comment on other people’s comments!).

    On the Consultation website www.bce2018.org.uk, the Commission has separated feedback into comments (green dots) and counter proposals (yellow dots). I’ve attached a screen grab below to illustrate. During this phase it’s important to remember that Boundary Commission Guidance specifically asks people to take into account knock on effects to the region when commenting on proposals. Whilst it’s great to have representations that explain why your village doesn’t want to move, we need to show an awareness of how staying in South Cambs will affect the rest of the region.

    With this in mind, I formulated a counter-proposal (yellow dot) that demonstrates how my southern villages can stay in South Cambs without affecting other areas adversely. The more support this proposal gets, the better chance of success.

    If you want to stay as part of South Cambs please could you ask your villagers to log onto www.bce2018.org.uk, input my constituency office postcode of CB23 7QJ and show support for my yellow dot proposal by clicking on it and giving feedback? The consultation closes on 27th March.

    I really don’t want to lose your important villages from my constituency.

    Thank you for your help.

  • South Cambridgeshire District Council are changing the dates our dustbins are collected, from Friday to Wednesday, with effect from the end of February--so our first collection under the new schedule will be the black bin on Wednesday 1 March. The dustbin type will alternate every week from there on.

    These changes are being made due to the need, as ever, to save money due to the government’s desire to cut back on money to local councils. Collections are now to be shared with Cambridge City Council, and the need to merge some routes that are close to the two area boundaries has been the driver of the change.

    The SCDC web site has yet to be fully updated with the details, but you should all have received a flyer through the door recently.

  • At last it would appear that the future of Bassingbourn Barracks has been decided. The following is taken from a statement in Parliament yesterday, recorded in Hansard:

    Heidi Allen (South Cambridgeshire) (Con)

    I thank the Secretary of State very much for his statement. May I just clarify whether the barracks at Bassingbourn in my constituency, which has been closed for some time, will now receive personnel from Burgoyne barracks in 2019, RAF Henlow in 2019, Weathersfield in 2020 and Chilwell station in 2021? I understand that from an email that has just arrived on my phone. If that ?is the case, that is an enormous and very welcome uplift in the number of personnel at Bassingbourn. May I have a contact in the MOD, so that the local authority can start to plan education, schools, GP surgeries and so on?

    Sir Michael Fallon

    Yes. This is good news for Bassingbourn. I can confirm the gist of what my hon. Friend said. Bassingbourn will be one of the key receiver sites for some of the units that are now on the move. She said that she would like a contact in the Ministry of Defence, and I suggest that she contacts the Under-Secretary of State for Defence, my hon. Friend the Member for Milton Keynes North (Mark Lancaster).

    Full Hansard report

  • As published in the August issue of the Whaddon News, a number of data recorders were placed around the village for a week in May. These data have now been analysed. Below are links to various PDF files giving the original report, and extended versions of the three analyses in the report.

  • A reminder that we shall be holding the Whaddon Annual Parish meeting on Monday 18th April 2016 at 19:30 for 20:00 in the Village Hall. It’s not a Parish Council meeting but will be chaired by myself. Light refreshments will be available and the agenda is as follows:

    • Update from the PC
    • SCDC Councillor reports
    • Eternit housing proposal
    • Neighbourhood Watch/Speedwatch
    • Whaddon Archives
    • Broadband
    • Alfred John Palmer’s Trust
    • WVH&RGT update together with reports about activities at the hall (Table Tennis, Cricket, coffee mornings and Mostly Gardening clubs)
    • Questions & Answers

    I look forward to seeing you there.

    Lee Ginger

    Chair, Whaddon Parish Council

  • Stay well this winter

    In the past year as many of one in four residents in Cambridgeshire visited A&E when they could have used an alternative service or looked after themselves at home.

    Each visit to A&E costs the local NHS £87, and that’s before any treatment is given. When you look at the figures, this costs the local NHS over £4million a year. In turn this is the equivalent cost of 677 hip replacements, or 287 liver transplants or 115 more dementia nurses.

    Using A&E when you don’t need to can also have a knock-on effect to the rest of the hospital, as busy A&E departments resulted in 500 cancelled operations and procedures because a bed was no longer available, and longer waiting and referral times.

    But you can help
    · Stay healthy – get a flu vaccination if you are eligible
    · Look after others – check on elderly friends, relatives and neighbours especially in spells of cold weather, help them to keep warm and have the medication they might need
    · Be prepared – get your prescriptions in early before the holidays and see your pharmacist or GP for any issues you might be putting off
    · Choose the right service – your local pharmacy can provide confidential, expert advice and treatment for a range of common illnesses and complaints, without having to wait for a GP appointment.

    For help with finding local NHS services visit http://www.cambsandpeterboroughchoosewell.co.uk/

  • Cambridgeshire ACRE was commissioned to carry out a Housing Needs Survey in Whaddon Parish in March 2015. This survey was carried out on behalf of BPHA (a local Housing Association), South Cambridgeshire District Council and the Parish Council.

    The document is now available on the village web site.

  • Whaddon Parish Council is looking for a new trustee for the Alfred John Palmer Trust.

    Interested persons should download the full announcement.

    What is the Alfred John Palmer's Trust?

    The Trust was established in 1927 with an endowment from Mary Palmer’s will. Its original purpose was to purchase coal for distribution to poor widows of Whaddon Parish. More recently the remit has been widened to include financial assistance
    with other forms of heating costs.

    What would a Trustee do?

    The Trustees are responsible for administering the Trust Fund itself. The Parish Council will also be asking them to review the terms of the Alfred John Palmer’s Trust and to make recommendations regarding its future. In particular the Trustees will be asked to consider if the original aim is still relevant today and whether the beneficiary group should be widened. The workload associated with these duties is not anticipated to be large. The Trustees currently meet annually although it may be necessary to hold a few additional meetings while the terms of the Trust are considered.

  • The Local Government Boundary Commission is opening a consultation on some proposed changes to the boundaries for Cambridgeshire with 2020 in mind. You can find the basic page here, along with a history of the changes, and opportunities to comment. It also includes interactive maps of the changes.


    [Updated Jan 2017 to reflect the latest state of the page]

  • Annual Parish Meeting Monday 20th April at 7.30pm

    Just a reminder that we shall be holding the Annual Whaddon Parish Meeting next Monday (20th).

    It's not a Parish Council Meeting but will be chaired by myself. It's your chance to hear reports about the work of the Parish Council, District and County Councillors, Neighbourhood Watch, Speedwatch, The Palmer Trust and the Whaddon Village Hall and Recreation Ground Trust, as well as updates from a number of the regular clubs who use the hall and playing field.

    There will be opportunities to discuss any points from the meeting.

    The meeting will be held in the Village Hall and light refreshments will be available.

    Best wishes

    Lee Ginger
    Chair, Parish Council

  • The recent high winds resulted in many wheelie bins being blown over and, on at least one occasion, a bin was blown on to the road in Church Street. A motorist trying to avoid the bin hit the curb resulting in the tyre having to be replaced. Potentially something worse could, of course, have happened.

    This was raised at Monday's Parish Council meeting (13 Jan 14).

    If your circumstances allow, please try to takes your bin(s) in as soon as possible after they have been emptied. If you are working perhaps you have a friendly neighbour who might help.

  • A new vicar has been appointed. Please go to the St Mary's web page for more information (link at top of page).

  • The following update regarding the search for a new vicar for St Mary's has been provided by the Archdeacon:

    The Parish Representatives and Patronal Representatives met on Friday for interviews at Whaddon, and we hope to be able to make an announcement soon.;

  • Further to the news of the change in speed limits in November, here is the press release sent then to the local media about the change.


    Motorists driving through Whaddon will notice that the speed limit has been reduced from 40 to 30mph. Villagers have for many years sought to have the limit dropped but bureaucracy always got in the way. Faced with a high level of speeding commuter traffic cutting through Whaddon en-route to the Meldreth, Melbourn, the A10 and the A505, the village chose not to take this lying down. Two paths were seen as the way ahead: the first was to collect speed data using the Speedwatch monitoring system. Whaddon and Bassingbourn were the first local villages to use this equipment back in 2009 and in the intervening years the data collected has been invaluable in understanding both the scale and location of the speeding problem.  The second was to understand the rules and to identify the people at Cambridge County Council level who had influence on village speed limits. Finally, the government’s localism agenda has played a part by giving parish councils a greater say over their affairs  The local view is that while rules and regulations rightly have a continued role to play in traffic matters so does the people’s voice which, in the case of the change in Whaddon, has been clearly heard.

    The new 30mph speed limit will probably come as a shock to the commuter traffic that cuts through Whaddon but the residents have no doubt that the change is a blessing. The hope now is that motorists will observe the 30mph. Certainly Whaddon’s Speedwatch team will be monitoring the situation.

Most villagers of Whaddon will know that Marley Eternit are proposing the redevelopment of part of the Eternit site in Meldreth for housing. This page has been added to enable you to keep up to date with the latest news on this.

  • From Whaddon Parish Council:

    "The planning application for up to 150 houses on the Marley Eternit Site, Whaddon Road, Meldreth was considered by South Cambridgeshire District Council's Planning Committee on Wednesday 6th September. At a previous hearing, the Planning Committee had deferred their decision and asked for further information particularly regarding highways issues. This time the application was unanimously rejected by the Planning Committee. The applicant now has six months to decide if they wish to submit an appeal.

    Best wishes

    Lee Ginger
    Chairman - Whaddon Parish Council"

  • From Whaddon Parish Council:

    "The planning application for up to 150 houses at the Marley Eternit Site, Whaddon Road, Meldreth was considered by South Cambridgeshire District Council's Planning Committee yesterday (5th July). However, after much discussion, the decision has been deferred to a future meeting. The Planning Committee wants some additional work to be done on highways issues connected with the application before it can be considered again.

    The Parish Council are grateful to all those who have helped ensure that Whaddon's viewpoint has been heard.

    We will update you again in due course.

    Gabrielle van Poortvliet
    Clerk - Whaddon Parish Council"

  • In November, a number of revised documents were added to the South Cambs planning site. They can be viewed by going to the SCDC planning site and using the same reference as before, S/1901/16/OL.

  • At its meeting of 8 September, the Parish Council agreed to comment to SCDC opposing the development in its present form. Please go to the Minutes tab on the Parish Council page to read them.

  • The village survey on the proposal has now been delivered around the village. Please have your paper questionnaires completed for collection around 2 September. If you wish to complete it online, please go to this link:


    Please note that the online survey says Meldreth PC, but Whaddon will get the relevant data from them.

    For those who would rather fill out a paper questionnaire, and where more than one copy is needed, a PDF version of the Parish Council's questionnaire is now on the web site.

  • An outline planning application has now been submitted by Marley Eternit.

    This may be accessed on the SCDC web site via the reference S/1901/16/OL. Here is a shortcut to it:

    Link to planning application

    Whaddon Parish Council encourages interested individuals to look at the online application as it is complex and there are a lot of documents. Any resident may submit comments on the proposal directly to SCDC by the deadline of 6 September.

    The PC has been formally asked to review the proposal and will be holding a special meeting on 8th September 2016 at 20:30 to discuss the application and provide comments and a recommendation to SCDC.

    In order to understand the views of the residents, a questionnaire to all houses will be circulated in the next few weeks and then collected around the beginning of September.

    We encourage everyone to take an interest in this application.

    Lee Ginger
    Chairman, Parish Council

  • [See next panel for a set of photos]

    With a development of 170 houses being discussed as an option for the redundant part of the Marley Eternit site, Amy Walker and Nigel Strudwick were able to get a tour of the site courtesy of Eternit's property agent, James Munnery, of Footprint Property Services. We thank him for his time and for answering lots of questions.

    [We should stress that this is what we were told at Eternit and we are aware we are just getting one side of the story. Other perspectives will doubtless come forward as this potential application develops.]

    We had a tour of both the redundant area and the active area, both of which were extremely interesting from the historical and industrial archaeological point of view.

    But to the proposed development. This web site shows some of the aerial maps and the different areas.


    The images are a bit too small and the PDF link at the bottom doesn't work although we have reported it.

    Part of the current site is still intended to be kept operational, and indeed there is going to be one small expansion at the further end. However, there is no possible use for the remaining brownfield area, empty for at least five years now despite attempts to find new users. The company needs some returns on its assets so they feel they have to do something. There are two schemes:

    A takes the brownfield site and uses it for housing, after the mandatory clean-up. The clean-up will involve some residual asbestos removal, although most has been taken away already; otherwise there is some normal industrial clean-up.

    B is largely in response to the comment that the site does not involve the village envelope. This proposal would use one of the adjacent fields owned by Eternit to make it slightly closer to the village.

    A is Eternit's preferred option, since it does not damage green land but just concentrates on a site for which no other use can presently be found. B has the added danger of opening the can of worms of development on non-Eternit green land.

    The landfill site adjacent to the main area has been used for some asbestos but we are told is monitored regularly by the environmental authorities.

    Any housing development would be a mixture of properties, with about a third being affordable in nature. There will of course be S106 payments for local infrastructure and amenity improvements. Access to the site would be separate from that to the factory and will be shielded from it to minimise noise.

    James Munnery will be present at the exhibition in Meldreth Village Hall on Saturday 27 February between 14:00 and 20:00 to present the development, answer questions and take feedback.

    It is intended to put this brief report on the email, web and Facebook media, along with some photos.

    Amy Walker
    Nigel Strudwick

  • Pictures taken on the Eternit site in February 2016